Free Script - Image Composition Helper for 3ds Max [UPDATED 10/05/22]

FactioImage Comp Helper.JPG

A tool that we find to be very useful in our workflow is the old Image composition helper script. With kind permission by the original author, Christoph Buelter, we’ve been tinkering with the script to suit our own needs and felt that it's worth sharing!

For anyone that knows of the original, the changes are:

  • Golden spiral now works in Portrait mode too, can be unlocked, zoomed and moved around.

  • There are drop downs for different common aspect ratios.

  • Toggle button to quickly switch between portrait and landscape.

  • (You still right-click the buttons to rotate the golden spiral or triangle guides).

Find the script at the link below if you want a copy. When you want to find it in 3ds Max, it is under TheFactionCGI category.

This script is subject to the GNU General Public License
